Course curriculum

    1. Introduction Video

    2. Overview

    3. What is Communication?

    4. Benefits of Effective Workplace Communication

    5. Communication Barriers

    6. Communication Styles

    7. 7Cs of Communication

    8. Scenario

    9. Supplementary Resources

    1. Self-Reflection Exercise: How Well Do You Communicate?

    2. Overview

    3. Listening Insights from the Chinese Character "Listen"

    4. 5 Ways To Listen Better

    5. Iceberg Model of Communication

    6. 3 Core Elements in Effective Face-To-Face Communication

    7. Importance of Non-Verbal Communication and Postures

    8. Exercise: Interpreting Body Language

    9. How to Develop Empathy

    10. Building Rapport

    11. Exercise: 7-Day Active Listening Challenge 

    12. Supplementary Resources

    1. Self-Reflection Exercise

    2. Overview

    3. 10 Tips To Be A Better Presenter

    4. Essential Questioning Techniques I

    5. Essential Questioning Techniques II

    6. The Johari Window

    7. Feedback as a GIFT - I.D.E.A model

    8. Scenarios- Giving Positive Feedback

    9. Scenarios - Giving Constructive Feedback

    10. Constructive Feedback Examples

    11. Benefits of Giving Constructive Feedback

    12. Supplementary Resources

    1. Overview

    2. How Our Emotions Impact Our Surroundings

    3. How to Practice Effective Communication in Your Daily Life

    4. 3 Ways to Handle Difficult Conversations

    5. Self-Reflection

    6. Action Plan

    7. Feedback Survey

About this course

  • Free
  • 40 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content